Friday, 25 March 2011

The Anatomy of Melancholy

A very good friend of mine, who know my reading habits (and needs), gave me a version of The Anatomy of Melancholy today. I have read several books on the topic, but never had a chance on Burton's original study. 
Amongst the books on melancholy I would like to recommend (two in Norwegian, and one available in several languages) are:

  1. Karin Johannisson: «Melankolske rom. Om angst, lede og sårbarhet gjennom tidene», CappelenDamm (2010)
  2. Kjersti Bale: «Om melankoli», Pax (2007)
  3. Julia Kristeva:«Black Sun», (1989)


Willa said...

Interesting! Never heard of this one. New follower to your blog :-)

Sigrun said...

Hi Willa, welcome!
If you by any chance read Norwegian or Swedish I would strongly recommend Karin Johannissonss book. She writes very well on the history of melancholy in literature.

aafke7 said...

and perhaps this one from
Josef Zehentbauer? groetjes and Dutch love :)