Monday, 18 April 2011

Lose yourself

Cultural historian Rebecca Solnit talks about her new memoir, "A Field Guide to Getting Lost," and how losing things -- and ourselves -- makes us who we are.

Her conversation with Mark Sorkin can be found here


Tom Cunliffe said...

I really need to read this one. There is great pleasure to be found in getting lost in a safe environment like a maze or labyrinth - but I suspect she is talking about more philosophical things than that.

Sigrun said...

As I understand her she is covering a lot of fields. She is talking about life - its both philosophical and historical, but this book is also very much about our ordinary life and on how we live it - the everyday stuff made into art...

aafke7 said...

Thanks for the tip. (My picture doesn't show but I will follow you more closely! Groetjes)